
для виробників та споживачів тари і упаковки




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тари і упаковки

PACKAGING United Us Into a Family


The magazine PACKAGING continues to be published, despite the difficult wartime. For everyone who creates it, it is an opportunity to bring professional information about the amazing thing – packaging, to thousands readers of the magazine.



The editorial and author’s team of more than a thousand experienced and young professionals, together with partners in Ukraine and abroad, are today a powerful packaging family that has united and is developing the modern Ukrainian informational packaging space. This space contains information about Ukrainian manufacturers of packaging materials, packaging and equipment, stories about packaging professionals who create the modern history of the packaging industry of Ukraine.



The preparation and publication of 14 issues of the magazine PACKAGING, including 5 issues in English, were carried out during the aggressive war of the northern neighbor against Ukraine. During this time, participation in packaging exhibitions and conferences in Warsaw and Cologne, Hertogenbosch and Milan, Pozna and Dusseldorf, WPO and EPIC meetings and numerous meetings with European packaging companies helped to convey to the packaging public of Europe and the world information about the current state of the Ukrainian packaging industry, about destroyed and damaged enterprises, about the production of packaging in conditions of limited supplies of raw materials and spare parts, logistical problems and the lack of the required number of employees.



All issues of the magazine PACKAGING are publicly and available on the website of the Information and Analytical Center UPAKOVKA www.upakjour.com.ua.



Our motto is “Don’t stop!”. Only all of us together, each in his place, each with his profession, add to our Victory!



Thank you for your understanding and support


Valerii Kryvoshei,

Ph.D. in Chemistry